In vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with Musa paradisiaca.


Objetive: To compare in vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with 50% ethanolic extract of Musa paradisiaca and 35% hydrogen peroxide.
Material and Methods: The study was experimental and used 18 premolars that were grouped into: G1 (control), G2 (50% ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca) and G3 (35% hydrogen peroxide). The teeth were then exposed to a Streptococcus mutans culture for 24 hours, followed by centrifugation in thioglycolate broth. A culture on trypticase soy agar was done with a 1 in 100 dilution, and after 48 hours colony forming units (CFU) were counted. Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA test, complemented by the Bonferroni post-hoc.
Results: Bacterial adherence was 77x105 CFU/ml in Group 3 using 35% hydrogen peroxide, 40x105 CFU/ml in Group 2 using 50% ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca, and 89x104 CFU/ml in Group 1 (control). The difference between the three groups was significant (p=0.000).
Conclusion: Both whitening methods cause bacterial adherence to the tooth surface, although to a lower degree with Musa paradisiaca.eses.


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How to Cite
PANTIGOZO-MORÁN, Úrsula; GONZÁLEZ-CABEZA, José; ESPINOZA-SALCEDO, María. In vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with Musa paradisiaca.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 1-11, june 2022. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 july 2024. doi: