Tongue-tie in babies. Diagnosis and laser frenectomy. Case report.


Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) establishes that breast-feeding must be promoted, supported, and protected due to its benefits in maternal and child health and for the economic, environmental, family and community benefits it produces.
Case Report: Ankyloglossia in the newborn can cause early cessation of breastfeeding. A clinical case of a 2-month-old baby, referred to the surgical team of the Dental Service of the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center, with difficulties in breastfeeding due to ankyloglossia is presented. Diagnosis and laser surgical treatment was performed. In the immediate postoperative period, there was an improvement, achieving breastfeeding without the aid of devices, and a progressive improvement during the month following the intervention occurred.
Conclusion: Early diagnosis and timely intervention collaborate in the maintenance of lactation and in the progressive improvement of the process.


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How to Cite
GARCÍA-RIGHETTI, Graciela; ISLAS-TEJERA, Adriana. Tongue-tie in babies. Diagnosis and laser frenectomy. Case report.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 1-10, aug. 2022. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 july 2024. doi: