Prevalence of dental paleopathology in a Peruvian pre-hispanic population.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental paleopathologies in a Peruvian prehispanic population. Material and Method: A descriptive, observational and transversal study was carried out. The sample consisted of 106 skeletal remains of pre-hispanic inhabitants, over 18 years of age, found in the El Brujo - Magdalena de Cao Archaeological Complex, Lambayeque - Peru. The selection criteria were defined and the presence of dental caries, malocclusion, crowding, dental anomalies of direction and site, age and sex of each bone was assessed using a data collection instrument designed for that purpose. Results: The sample showed presence of dentin caries (62.3%), enamel caries (37.7%), Class I malocclusion (76.4%), Class II malocclusion (4.7%), Class III malocclusion (4.7%), maxillary crowding (15.1%), mandibular crowding (19.8%), crowding in both jaws (13.2%), gyroversion (20.8%), vestibule-versions (15.1%), linguo-versions (17.9%) and dental transposition (5.7%). Conclusion: The results show a high prevalence of caries and malocclusions in this Peruvian pre-hispanic population.


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How to Cite
CHANAMÉ-MARÍN, Ann; REÁTEGUI-NAVARRO, Marco; ARBILDO-VEGA, Heber. Prevalence of dental paleopathology in a Peruvian pre-hispanic population.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 147-151, apr. 2019. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi: