Oral Health Impact Profile in elderly Chileans in southern Chile.

  • Matías Yobánolo-Hoffmann Universidad Austral de Chile.
  • Javiera Valentin-Hoyos Universidad Austral de Chile.
  • Pedro Aravena Universidad Austral de Chile.


Aim: To evaluate the impact of oral health on the quality of life of elderly patients (EP) in the public health system of Valdivia, Chile in 2015. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted using the “Oral Health Impact Profile Spanish version” (OHIP-14Sp), in a population of 387 EP (71,8±7,5 years old; 53% women). The impact of oral health on the quality of life was determined by the average scale score that ranged beween 0 points (good quality of life) and 56 points (poor quality of life). In addition, oral health problems reported by EP population as having a greater influence on their quality of life were also included in this study. Results: The mean score of OHIP-14Sp was 20,1±7,6 points. Items showing problems more frequently associated with quality of life were: “toothache” (32,8%), “appearance of the teeth” (32,8%), “sensitive teeth” (32,3%) and “difficulty for chewing food” (25,8%). Conclusion: The impact of oral health on the quality of life of the EP population was considered low when compared to the median score of OHIP-14Sp. Functional and esthetic aspects showed the highest impact on the quality of life of EP in the city of Valdivia.

Author Biography

Matías Yobánolo-Hoffmann, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Editor de Journal of Oral Research.

Asesor en Metodología de la Investigación.


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How to Cite
YOBÁNOLO-HOFFMANN, Matías; VALENTIN-HOYOS, Javiera; ARAVENA, Pedro. Oral Health Impact Profile in elderly Chileans in southern Chile.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 6, p. 365-370, oct. 2015. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <https://joralres.com/index.php/JOralRes/article/view/joralres.2015.071>. Date accessed: 05 may 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.17126/joralres.2015.071.


Quality of life; Oral health; OHIP-14; Elderly.

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