Pain detection by clinical questionnaire in patients referred for temporomandibular disorders in a Chilean Hospital.

  • Tomás Maturana Escuela de Odontología, Universidad Austral de Chile.
  • Patricio Ruiz Instituto de Odontoestomatología, Escuela de Odontología Universidad Austral de Chile. Hospital Base de Valdivia.
  • Cristian Rosas Instituto de Odontoestomatología, Escuela de Odontología Universidad Austral de Chile.
  • Pedro Christian Aravena Instituto de Odontoestomatología, Escuela de Odontología Universidad Austral de Chile.


Aim: To determine pain frequency by means of a clinical screening questionnaire in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) referred to the general Hospital of Valdivia (HBV) between September and December 2014. Material and method:  A descriptive study, which included patients referred to the TMD Unit of the dental service at HBV between September and December 2014, was carried out. A clinical screening questionnaire was applied by an examiner in order to detect painful Temporomandibular Joint Disorders.  The variables age, sex, wait time, and presence of related TMD pain were measured. Results: 101 patients were surveyed; 88.17% (84 patients) were women. Average age was 33.5 (11-70) years; 66% of patients had mandibular pain or stiffness upon awakening; 80% informed pain related to painful TMD. Conclusion: Most surveyed patients were women. Pain was highly frequent in the surveyed population; its main location was in temporal areas.



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How to Cite
MATURANA, Tomás et al. Pain detection by clinical questionnaire in patients referred for temporomandibular disorders in a Chilean Hospital.. Journal of Oral Research, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 5, p. 300-305, sep. 2015. ISSN 0719-2479. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:


Pain; symptoms; temporomandibular joint disorders; diagnosis of pain.