Continuous publication 2024
Vol 13 No 1 (2024)This year, the Journal of Oral Research, after rethinking its editorial policy, mainly with regard to periodicity, has adopted the modality of continuous publication. This new challenge for the editorial team of the Journal of Oral Research implies a greater commitment to the community and all the actors in the communication process of scientific research. We strive to optimize the availability of manuscripts as they become ready to be published, and continue to offer a space to publicize the findings and innovations in all areas of dentistry, this way fulfilling the role of the Journal in the wide dissemination of open science.
1er Congreso de Odontogeriatría del Cono Sur, 2023.
2024Este congreso se desarrolló los días 24 y 25 de noviembre del 2023 y abarcó conferencias de expositores internacionales y nacionales de reconocida trayectoria científica y clínica, workshops y un concurso científico de revisiones bibliográficas y casos clínicos para estudiantes de pregrado, postgrado y de especialidades. En este número especial se presentan a continuación las actas del congreso.
Vol 12 No 1 (2023)
This year, the Journal of Oral Research, after rethinking its editorial policy, mainly with regard to periodicity, has adopted the modality of continuous publication. This new challenge for the editorial team of the Journal of Oral Research implies a greater commitment to the community and all the actors in the communication process of scientific research. We strive to optimize the availability of manuscripts as they become ready to be published, and continue to offer a space to publicize the findings and innovations in all areas of dentistry, this way fulfilling the role of the Journal in the wide dissemination of open science.
November - December
Vol 11 No 6 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Salami publications, predatory journals, and other vices against the academic curriculum; Alcohol consumption and maxillofacial fractures in times of COVID-19: a cross-sectional study in a Cuban university hospital; Effect of different mechanical surface treatments on flexural strength of repaired denture base; Dentin slice model of dental stem cells in a fibrin-agarose construct for dental pulp regeneration; Exploration of the motivations in the adherence of patients to periodontal maintenance therapy; Non-surgical rapid maxillary expansion with mini-implants in adults: A Narrative Review. And much more...
Vol 11 No 5 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Effect of Periodontal Debridement plus Systemic Azithromycin in subjects with Stage III Periodontitis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Use and management of disinfectants by dentists in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thermal expansion and corrosion resistance of cobalt-chromium alloys fabricated by contemporary manufacturing processes. An in vitro study. Management of diacapitular mandibular condyle fracture using a single lag screw fixation: Case Report. X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia management with removable prosthesis in a pediatric patient. Case Report. Exposure to endocrine disruptors and alterations in mineralized tissues: A Narrative Review. and much more...
Vol 11 No 4 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Evolution of the concept of disability in Chile. Concept of functional dentition and impact on the quality of life of partially edentulous patients. Healthy or diseased mouth? Representations of oral health in vulnerable populations. Effectiveness Of Chlorhexidine Oral Rinse In Preventing Plaque Accumulation And Gingivitis In Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment- A Systematic Review And Meta Analysis. and much more...
Vol 11 No 3 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Masticatory function according to body mass index. Part II: electromyographic analysis; Association between the level of indifference to dental treatment and habits of oral hygiene in adults; Factors associated with knowledge of Sci-Hub in Peruvian dental students; Evaluation of Molar Bite Force in Carious and Non-Carious Primary Dentition among 4 to 6 Year Old Children; Mandibular angle morphology in open bite subjects according to the skeletal relationship: a cbct short report; Does the level of knowledge of denture hygiene affect their maintenance?; Does the level of knowledge of denture hygiene affect their maintenance? and much more...
Vol 11 No 2 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Universality and compatibility of the clinical history of patients in the public health service of Concepción. Are the standards really being met? Promotion of oral health of schoolchildren within the framework of a collective comprehensive intervention, developed in the period 2013-2015, in Córdoba, Argentina; Oral health and quality of life of the geriatric patient: contexts of autonomy; Oral health situation in Chilean preschoolers between the years 2007-2015: Systematic review and analysis at the individual level; Importance of the use of pre and intraoperative imaging as a tool for planning the removal of foreign bodies in the floor of the mouth. Presentation of a Case; Vertical bone augmentation with guided bone regeneration. Scope review and much more...
January - February
Vol 11 No 1 (2022)In this Issue, you will find manuscripts on: Effect of ibuprofen and low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on the reduction of pain after initial archwire placement: a double-blind randomized clinical trial, Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Perceptions and Barriers to Dental Care among Libyan Parents, Masticatory function according to body mass index. Part I: kinematic analysis using different food textures, Impact of a "Journal Club" on the confidence of dental students to critically appraise a clinical trial, Sequelae in permanent dentition after trauma in primary dentition in patients assi-sted at Hospital Base Valdivia, Chile, Tongue-tie in babies. Diagnosis and laser frenectomy. Case report and much more...
S-1 (Seminario Científico de Cierre del Proyecto Concurso de Asignación Rápida ANID, COVID0766, Chile).
It is with great pleasure that we present the proceedings of the closing seminar of the research project on Development of a digital platform of teledentistry for the elderly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, funded by the Contest for Rapid Allocation of Funds of the National Agency of Research and Development (ANID), Reference No. COVID0766, Chile.
Vol 10 No 6 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Formative research and didactic strategies in Dentistry; Effects of chemical disinfectants on surface hardness of heat -cured acrylic resins. In vitro study; Determination of Streptococcus sp. and Candida albicans in the oral cavity of patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation; Effects of ambient oxygen pressure on orthodontic tooth movement; Survival rate of fixed space maintainers used in Dentistry. Systematic review and Meta-analysis and much more...
Vol 10 No 5 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Is Enterococcus faecalis the most common microorganism involved in post-treatment endodontic infections?, Periodontal diseases among pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic at Dhaka, Bangladesh., Motivations for studying Dentistry: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study in nine Cuban universities, Experiences of professionalized Chilean dental educators. A qualitative study, Comprehensive Prosthodontic Treatment of an Elderly Patient with Compromised Ridges: A Clinical Case Report and much more...
Vol 10 No 4 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: nanoBONE: reviewing bone reconstruction and repair… with a nanoGyro, Association between self-reported bruxism and academic performance of university students, Regenerative effect of hyaluronic acid on circumferential bone defects in Wistar albino rats, Effect of some beverages Non-distilled Peruvian alcoholic beverages on dental erosion, Dental prosthetic management of a patient with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Tongue strength as a clinical characteristic of oral health in neurological patients and much more...
Vol 10 No 3 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Association between level of temporomandibular disorder and condylar position in a university population, Knowledge, attitude and awareness of COVID-19 among preclinical and clinical dental students, Evaluation of the location of the mental foramen in a population sample from Arabia Al Hasa, Knowledge of oral health and oral hygiene habits in Peruvian students, Exploring knowledge, awareness and practices of COVID-19 among dentists in Bangladesh and much more...
Vol 10 No 2 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Aggressive metastasis of the parotid gland and neck caused by cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp, Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia, An unusual endodontic complication after surgery, Craniofacial neurological manifestations in patients with Guillain syndrome -Barre and much more...
Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
In this volume you will find manuscripts about: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drinking Water Fluoridation, Effectiveness of dental emergency services, Need for Orthodontic Treatment of adolescents, Special care for the transfer of oral tissue samples, critical education higher in health sciences and much more.
S-1 (Public Health Congress), 2021
Congress of Public Health of the South was held, organized by the Department of Prevention and Public Health of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Concepción, Chile.
Vol 9 No 6 (2020)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Promotion of education and research in dental basic science. A call for action; Prevalence of malocclusion and non-physiological oral habits in primary school Children from Ercilla, Chile; Association between self-assessment and clinical oral health status in adults, Paraguay; Focus on periodontal engineering by 3D printing technology – A systematic review and much more...
Vol 9 No 5 (2020)
In this volume you will find manuscripts on: Current systematization of dental caries; Dental health status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in older people of Puerto Montt, Chile; Prevalence of oral manifestations of hypophosphatemic rickets in patients treated in a Peruvian Pediatric Hospital; Solving color irregularities with a bioactive bulk-fill restorative system: Case report and 24-months follow up; Orthognathic Surgery with anterior segmental osteotomy as alternative of treatment in patients with dento-skeletal deformity Class III AP maxillary deficiency with dental compensation. Case report and much more...
S1 Proceedings
2020Proceedings from the Scientific Closing Seminar of the Project: Immunohistochemical, histochemical and endoscopic analysis of the bone tissue associated with periimplantitis: Development of an in vivo and in vitro model. (Seminario Científico de Cierre del Proyecto REDI170658, CONICYT, Chile)
Covid-19 Special
2020This special publication of Especial Covid-19, provides us with a review of the recommendations and Dental Perspectives such as: Measures to Overcome the Negative Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Dentists; Influence of Covid-19 on dentists and routine dental practice in Libya; Impact of COVID-19 on periodontal therapy: an overview; COVID-19: Smoking cessation and the science of dissemination and implementation in dental care and much more, we invite you to read this interesting publication