Analysis of root canal obturation length in endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate dental students
Introduction: Cross-sectional observational study whose purpose was to analyze the length of root canal obturation, according to the Barrieshi-Nussair criteria, in endodontic treatments performed by undergraduate students at the School of Dentistry at Finis Terrae University, in the year 2022.
Results: 88.5% obtained an acceptable obturation length, 6.7% were overfilled and 4.8% were underfilled. Regarding the academic year, in the 4th year, 77.8% of the endodontic treatments had an acceptable obturation length; in the 5th year, 89.4%; and in the 6th year, 90%. In the lower jaw, 89.3% were acceptable and in the upper jaw, 88.2% were acceptable. In the incisor group, 83.3% achieved an acceptable obturation length, 100% in the canines and 89.1% in the premolars.
Conclusion: The results obtained in this study were superior to some described in the Middle East, lower or similar to those found in Europe, and comparable to others reported in Chile. In all variables, the percentage of acceptable obturation length according to the Barrieshi-Nusair criteria was predominant (77.8% for 4th, 89.4% for 5th, 90% for 6th, 89.3% for mandible, 88.2% for maxilla, 83.3% for incisors, 100% for canines and 89.1% for premolars). This high percentage of acceptable treatments may be due, among other factors, to the use of the electronic apical locator and the accompaniment of specialists during undergraduate training and endodontic treatment.
Keywords: Dental students; Root canal therapy; Root canal preparation; Endodontics; Root canal filling materials; Root canal obturation
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