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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. Full manuscript as a Word file.
    2. Corresponding author information: email.
    3. All authors: affiliation / professional address, email and ORCID (https://orcid.org/) and / or URL to CV.
    4. Contribution of each author of the manuscript. (https://casrai.org/credit/)
    5. Source of financing.
    6. Conflict of interest.
    7. Informed consent, if applicable.
    8. Approval of the ethics committee, if applicable.
    9. High resolution photos as separate files.
    10. Cover letter.
    11. Acknowledgments.
    12. Figures (whether graphics or images) and tables, in a separate Word (excel) file.
    13. Vancouver-NLM Style References. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/).
    14. Please use the following guidelines according to the type of study:
    - Observational studies (cross-sectional, cohort or case-control): STROBE (https://www.strobe-statement.org/)
    - Clinical studies: CONSORT (https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/consort/)
    - Systematic reviews: PRISMA (http://www.prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/)
    - Protocols: SPIRIT (https://www.spirit-statement.org/title/)
    - Clinical case reports: CARE (https://www.care-statement.org/)
  • All submissions should be sent Dr. Celia A. Lima journal@joralres.com

Author Guidelines

The Journal of Oral Research is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in  oral scienceincluding: oral surgery and medicine and rehabilitation, dentistry, orofacial pain and motor disorders, head and neck surgery, speech and swallowing disorders, and other related disciplines. The concepts, judgments and opinions expressed in the papers are the responsibility of the authors. Those interested in publishing in the Journal of Oral Research must comply with the Ethics statement and the following Instructions.



  1. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and simultaneous submission to another journal is forbidden. The Journal of Oral Research retains the copyright of the published papers, including the translation. Later transcriptions are allowed, citing the source properly (J Oral Res). None of the authors will be paid.
  2. The Journal of Oral Research receives papers in Spanish or English. The texts and translations are the responsibility of the authors, and the texts must have a precise and clear redaction, avoiding ambiguities. All papers will be published in English.
  3. The Journal of Oral Research subscribes to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and the Reporting Guidelines for Health Research Studies compiled by Equator-Network, available at http://www.equator-network.org

To ensure diversity in authorship, authors will be limited to having three manuscripts under revision at any time either as corresponding or co-authors. As such they should wait for the review process of at least one of these manuscripts to be completed before submitting another manuscript for consideration. Furthermore, authors can only publish one paper every two issues, albeit as corresponding or co-author, in order to ensure and maintain diversity in authorship.

Manuscripts in spanish, should they be accepted for publication, will be subjected to a translation fee to help defer translation costs (flat fee $100.000 clp or $135 USD). We will still receive articles in spanish and conduct the peer review process in this language as before for authors who prefer it. We will also maintain our policy of not charging any submission, handling or processing fees for publication, in our belief that financial constraints should not be a limitation for the dissemination of scientific information



The Journal of Oral Research receives manuscripts in the following categories:

2.1 Articles: The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 3,500 words, including up to 30 current references (75% from the last five years) and up to six tables or figures. A maximum of six authors is allowed.
For observational studies (cross-sectional, cohort or case-control) the use of STROBE Statement is required:https://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=available-checklists; https://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=strobe-translations

For clinical trials the use of CONSORT Statement is required: Checklist: http://www.consort-statement.org/download/Media/Default/Downloads/CONSORT%202010%20Checklist.doc; CONSORT flow diagram of a parallel randomised trial: http://www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement/flow-diagram

Other types of designs are strongly encouraged to use the statement recommended by the Equator-Network. A maximum of six authors is allowed.

2.2 Communications: The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 1,500 words, including up to 10 current references (75% from the last five years) and up to 2 tables or figures. For observational studies (cross-sectional, cohort or case-control) the use of STROBE Statement is required. For clinical trials the use of CONSORT Statement is required. Other types of designs are strongly encouraged to use the statement recommended by Equator-Network. A maximum of four authors is allowed.

2.3 Reviews: Including systematic and scoping reviews focused on updates in oral and craniofacial sciences. The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 5,000 words, including 50 to 100 current references (75% from the last five years) and up to six tables or figures. The use of PRISMA Statement is required. A maximum of six authors is allowed.

2.4 Protocols: Focused on the methodological design of cohort studies, clinical trials, and systematic reviews. The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 4,000 words, including up to 30 current references (75% from the last five years), and up to six tables or figures. For cohort studies the use of STROBE Statement is required. For clinical trials the use of SPIRIT Statement is required. For systematic reviews the use of PRISMA Statement is required. A maximum of six authors is allowed.

2.5 Cases: Must be relevant from an academic and/or epidemiologic point of view, with special consideration of bioethical component. The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 1,500 words, including up to 20 current references (75% from the last five years), and up to four tables or figures. The use of CARE Statement is required. A maximum of three authors is allowed.

2.6 Hypotheses: Provisional explanations developed from a theoretical point of view and supported by related evidence. The maximum length of the body of the manuscript is 2,000 words, including up to 20 current references(75% from the last five years), and up to 3 tables or figures. The manuscript should be organized as follow: presentation of evidence, logic and explicit construction of the hypothesis, and critical evaluation of the hypothesis based on the current evidence (research protocols are not necessary). A maximum of three authors is allowed.

2.7 Comments: Short notes including reader’s opinions and comments on published papers in the Journal, books, obituaries and events of interest to the oral and craniofacial sciences. A maximum of 400 words and up to five current references (75% from the last five years) are permitted. A maximum of two authors is allowed.

2.8 Perspectives: By invitation only. short essays that expose a point of view about a relevant topic in oral and craniofacial sciences. A maximum of 1,500 words and up to 10 current references (75% from the last five years) are permitted. A maximum of two authors is allowed.

2.9 Due to editorial needs and/or agreements with the author, these formats may vary.



3.1 All papers submitted to the Journal of Oral Research involving humans, animals, organs and/or tissues, must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki and the Ethics Statement of the journal.

3.2 The patient should not be identified by names or initials in the illustrations, or elsewhere in the manuscript. A copy of the authorization of the patient and/or legal guardian (Informed Consent) must be sent for Case reports.

3.3 Clinical trials must include the approval number or code of the Bioethics Committee and its registration in an international and publicly accessible database (ClinicalTrials.gov, Rebec, ANZCTR or other) in the “Methodology” section.



4.1 Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Oral Research should be typed in 1.5 line spacing, on letter size paper (215.9 x 279.4 mm), with 3 cm margin all around, 12 pt Arial font, and pages numbered in the upper right. The following sections: 4.2 to 4.6 must be submitted on separate pages.

4.2 Title Page:

A. The title should be informative and concise with a maximum of 150 characters.

B. Authors must be clearly identified with their first name and surname.

C. The affiliations and e-mail addresses for each author must be given; multiple affiliations are permitted and ORCID.

D. Contact details for the corresponding author including: address, phone and e-mail address.

E. Conflict of interests for each author.

F. Ethics approval including Committee's name and authorization's number/code.

G. Funding including grant's name and code.

H. Author's contributions.

I. Acknowledgements.

4.3 Abstract should contain no more than 250 words, and include Six keywords listed in the MeSH terms available at https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/MeSHonDemand

4.4 Body of the manuscript should be structured as Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion or those recommended by Equator-Network statements: http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/ (English)

http://www.equator-network.org/library/spanish-resources-recursos-en-espanol/traduccion-de-guias-para-informar-y-publicar-sobre-investigaciones/#Espanol (Spanish).

Hypotheses should be structured as: Background, Hypotheses and Critical Evaluation.

4.5 References should be cited as they appear in the text with superscript Arabic numeral. The Journal of Oral Research uses the Vancouver Citation Style. Authors are strongly encouraged to only use articles indexed in main bibliographic databases. The citation of books/reports must be kept to a minimum. Websites and other electronic resources must be cited in-text, including the URL, only in exceptional cases.

4.6 Tables and figures should be constructed using the appropriate programs for MS Word, numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals, and without exception be cited in the text in parentheses. Each one should be on a separate page following the references. Tables and figures should have a title, and abbreviations should be explained as a footnote. Photographs and illustrations must be submitted as high-resolution JPEG (.jpg) or PDF files.

4.7 Scientific terms should not be written in abbreviated form. The International System of Units must be used to report measurements.

4.8 Manuscripts that do not meet all of the requirements stated herein will be returned for correction before being evaluated. Authors have 15 calendar days to make the requested corrections, after that the manuscript will be automatically rejected.



5.1 All manuscripts, except for Comments and Perspectives, will be submitted to peer-review.

5.2 Each submission will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers external to the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción.

5.3 Reviewers may suggest rejection, minor changes, major changes or acceptance. Reviewers’ comments will be submitted alongside the editorial decision. For minor changes, the manuscript will be accepted once it includes the requested changes, with no need for new reviews. For major changes, the modified manuscript will be evaluated by one of the initial reviewers in order to maintain the consistency and fluidity of the process. Rejection is definitive and resubmission is not allowed.

5.5 Accepted papers will be published online in the “Early View” section at the website, http://www.joralres.com, and included in the first available issue according to the needs of the Journal. The dates of receipt, review and online publication will be printed on the first page of each paper when published.


6. SUBMISSIONS: The manuscripts must be submitted by email to journal@joralres.com.


7. Resources for authors:

CONSORT Statement: Checklist: http://www.consort-statement.org/download/Media/Default/Downloads/CONSORT%202010%20Checklist.doc; CONSORT flow diagram of a parallel randomised trial: http://www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement/flow-diagram

CONSORT guidelines 2010: http://www.consort-statement.org/Media/Default/Downloads/CONSORT%202010%20Explanation%20and%20Elaboration%20Document-BMJ.pdf

STROBE Statementhttps://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=available-checklists; https://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=strobe-translations

PRISMA Statementhttp://www.prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/FlowDiagram 

PRISMA Checklist: http://prisma-statement.org/

PRISMA Flow-diagram: http://www.prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/FlowDiagram

SPIRIT Statement: http://annals.org/aim/fullarticle/1556168/spirit-2013-statement-defining-standard-protocol-items-clinical-trials


SPIRIT Checklist: http://www.spirit-statement.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/SPIRIT-Checklist-download-8Jan13.doc

CARE Statement:

Care Checklist: http://www.care-statement.org/resources/checklist

CARE writing guidelines: http://data.care-statement.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/CaseReportWriting-Spanish-2014.pdf (Spanish)

http://data.care-statement.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/CAREtemplate-English-2013.pdf (English)

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes.