About the Journal
Journal of Oral Research which is published every two months, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in oral sciences, including: oral surgery and medicine and rehabilitation, craniofacial surgery, dentistry, orofacial pain and motor disorders, speech and swallowing disorders, and other related disciplines.
Journal of Oral Research publishes original research articles and brief communications, systematic reviews, study protocols, research hypotheses, reports of cases, comments and perspectives.
Indexed by Scopus, DOAJ, LILACS, Latindex (Directory and Catalog), Free Medical Journals, IMBIOMED, VHL Regional Portal, SAGE Journals, Citefactor, DIALNET, JournalTOCs, Index Copernicus, REBIUN, REDIB and Google Scholar. Journal of Oral Research is a member of COPE.
Journal of Oral Research is the official publication of the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción, Chile.
ISSN Print 0719-2460 and ISSN Online 0719-2479.